Date and Time | 7th – 8th Sept 2019 |
Location | Hospital Pengajar Universiti Putra Malaysia (HPUPM) |
Ticket | Local: RM350.00 Oversea: USD150.00 |

Dr. Elizabeth Pepper
Dr Elizabeth Pepper is a neurologist with clinical interest in the areas of stroke, movement disorders and general neurology, as well as having an interest in general medicine. She works in Newcastle NSW at John Hunter Hospital and the Calvary Mater Newcastle (CMN), a university teaching hospital with a focus on general medicine and cancer care. She is the director of the stroke unit at the CMN, where she is the local principal investigator for multicentre stroke secondary prevention trials, and is a member of the stroke society of Australasia and the Australasian Stroke Trialists Network. Her research experience also includes work as an associate investigator in several stroke imaging trials with Professor Mark Parsons.

Professor Bernard Yan
Professor Bernard Yan is both Neurologist and Endovascular Neurointerventionist in Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia. His clinical expertise is in stroke intervention and aneurysms. He has published over 180 academic papers in peer-reviewed medical journals (SCI) achieving an h-index of 32 with > 7000 citations. He is the principal investigator of several international studies in cerebrovascular disease, and involved in the development of portable mobile wireless sensors for the intensive monitoring of patients with neurological disease. He is also the co-inventor and holder of patent of the Neuroglide micronavigational system.

Professor Henry Ma
Professor Henry Ma is the Director of the Neurology Department and Head of Stroke Unit at Monash Health. He is a Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine (Southern Clinical School) of Monash University. His PhD is on “Imaging the Penumbra in Acute Stroke” at the University of Melbourne. His special research interests are in the imaging of the ischaemic penumbra and acute stroke clinical trials. He has published many papers on these topics and has recently completed and presented the result of the EXTEND clinical trial, a multicentred thrombolysis trial in extended time window in acute ischemic stroke. He has also commenced the first amniotic epithelial stem cell for acute ischemic stroke trial in Australia (I-ACT). He is currently the Co-Chair of Australasia Stroke Trial Network. He and Professor Mark Parsons have recently won the bid to host the 2021 Joint Asia Pacific Stroke Organisation / Stroke Society of Australasia scientific Conference in Melbourne. He also has extensive research collaboration in Asia pacific region.

A/Prof. Andrew Wong
A/Prof. Andrew Wong is the current Chair of the Curriculum Development Committee of the Australasian Stroke Academy, effective as of May 2016 to present. He is a Neurologist and Stroke Physician working in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. He is the director of Neurology and Stroke at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. His clinical and research interests are focussed on stroke, which was the subject of his PhD. He is also actively involved in education; apart from presenting at local and national meetings, he organises various educational events for Queensland neurology registrars and consultants.

A/Prof. Andrew Lee
A/Prof. Andrew Lee is a stroke trained neurologist and is currently the Regional Director of Stroke Medicine, Adelaide Health Service, Southern Cluster based at Flinders Medical Centre. He completed his medical training at the University of Adelaide, and both an Internal Medicine and Neurology residency at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. He continued on to a Stroke Research Fellowship in the Department of Cerebrovascular Neurology, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Hospital under the mentorship of Professor Argye Hillis. He has authored more than 20 articles on stroke related topics and has an interest in retinovascular disorders as well as perfusing imaging and amyloid angiopathy. He is the current chair of the Australian Stroke Unit Network and chairs the education and workforce committee of the Australian Stroke Coalition.

Dr. Ben Clissold
Dr Ben Clissold is a stroke neurologist at Monash Health and Barwon Health in Victoria, Australia. He is a graduate of Monash University and has completed his doctoral research in relation to patterns of stroke admissions to Victorian Hospitals using data linkage methods. His current clinical roles include as the head of inpatient services for neurology at Barwon Health in Victoria, one of Australia?s largest regional health services. He works in both rural and metropolitan acute stroke services at both Monash Health and Barwon Health, and is involved in providing acute intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular clot retrieval. He is a member of the Victorian Stroke Clinical Network, and is actively involved in clinical trial work including the current EXTEND IV and TASTE thrombolysis trials. He also has ongoing research interests in data pattern recognition and cardiac risk factors for acute stroke and holds honorary fellow / lecturer positions at Monash and Deakin Universities. He recently joined the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine Service.

Professor Chris Levi
Professor Chris Levi is the Director of Clinical Research and Translation – Research Innovation and Partnerships and Co-Director of Acute Stroke Services at John Hunter Hospital, Hunter New England Local Health District. He has a clinical and research passion for improving outcomes of patients who are affected by stroke and Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA). He is a highly respected clinician researcher with >250 peer-reviewed publications and over 160 invited talks and sessions chaired at major national and international meetings, as well as extensive experience serving on steering committees of major clinical trials. His strong international reputation is supported by publications in preeminent journals such as Nature Genetics, New England Journal of Medicine, and Lancet.